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‘Liga Pariba Brievengat’ stunning in their new uniforms


Banco di Caribe representatives were invited recently to a training session of ‘Liga Pariba Brievengat’. The bank has been supporting the youngsters for quite a few years, and this year, it was time for new uniforms! Baseball has gained a lot of popularity among Curaçao youth. Youngsters feel inspired by their forerunners. For them achieving a Major League Baseball status is a dream come true, and they are willing to work for it. For the community it means, less youngsters engaged in unlawful activities and, of course more youngsters inspired to be the very best version of themselves. Having them on a baseball field is an opportunity to shape them into model citizens.

Banco di Caribe (BdC) had a front row seat to last Tuesdays training sessions at the Brievengat park. All kids/ youngsters from the league showed good condition and technique. The kids in Tball had fun, were motivated and showed passion for the game! At the end, the coaching staff and the kids presented their brand new uniforms. They were happy wearing the orange/grey jersey, and had the smiles to prove it! BdC acknowledges the importance that art and sports have on the life of Curaçao youth. “Sports is a key- instrument in steering the kids on the right track. In this, we recognize the importance of the coaching staff and the work they do during training sessions. Many community leaders and professionals discovered their inner strength and received life changing guidance on a field such as Brievengat. We appreciate the parents, who take time-off and support their kids during trainings and tournaments, all mostly held on weekends”.


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