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Almost 3000 stayover visitors in first 12 days


Preliminary July 2020 Visitor Arrivals

The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) is reporting 2,960 stayover visitor arrivals since the borders reopened on July 1st. Se

venty-four percent of the reported visitors are travelling from Europe and 14% from the Caribbean region.

With the borders being open to only a select number of countries in Western Europe, 92% of the European visitors came from the Netherlands. The rest came from Germany and Belgium. Sixty percent of these European visitors stayed in alternative accommodations, while 40% stayed in resort hotels.

From the Caribbean region, we have welcomed so far 407 stayover visitors. Visitors from other Dutch Kingdom islands are also welcome to visit Curaçao. We have welcomed 226 (Bonaire), 138 (Aruba), and 43 (St. Maarten) stayover visitors.

According to CTB CEO, Paul Pennicook, “this is about what we expected with the reopening of the borders. We look forward to even more visitors arriving in the month of August”.


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